Mostralfonso was born many years ago. During this long period of time he has had a lot of national and international diffusion: - Sindycation: published on newspapers, daily, periodicals and magazines for boys/girls - Licensing: stamped on books, diaries, notebooks, etc... - Merchandising: with his image have been realized several commercial products This character foresees three animated series: 1) Mostralfonso's strips 2) The Stories of 52 weeks 3) The Monsters Mostralfonso's stripsLe strisce di Mostralfonso download the storyboard
Alfonso is a Yeti that one day abandons the mountains and comes to civilization. Surprise, fear, hostility towards the "monster". Mostralfonso is adopted by an oldie who begins to teach him the elementary principles of the civil cohabitation. This is the main theme of the strip: Mostralfonso to the discovery of the world... He begins, in this way, his own life in society with some success and a lot of disappointments that he faces however with optimism and trust. Target: 6-14 (and over) Lenght of episodes: 7 min Number of episodes: 52 The Stories of 52 weeksI Racconti delle 52 settimane watch the "Snowman"
Alfonso, the Grandmother and the teacher Dante meet each other in the Grandmother's house and here Alfonso "relates himself". In this way born The Stories of the 52 weeks. Every time the small Yeti reproposes life situation that we could define "out side the norms" because point out a certain way to have to do with the reality, that is not provided for in the models of behaviour accepted from the majority. Inevitable the contrast with the teacher Dante, that would convince the pupil (Alfonso) to follow the rules of the reason rather than the chimeras of dream and umbridled imagination. The Grandmother, for her part, shows herself very indulgent with Alfonso. On this trace, always the same, unwind themselves the situations, that on the contrary, are catherine wheel of inventions, daydreams, paradoxes, sometime at the limit of "nonsense" played. The stories foresee a version in "Sit-Com". Target: 4-10 (and over) Lenght of episodes: 13 (or 26) min Number of episodes: 52 The MonstersI Mostri"educational series" watch "The Rebellion of the Electrical Appliances"
This series intends awaken the child, through amusing stories, to a right behaviour to everything that can be a potential danger: domestic accidents, the danger of the street, in mountain, at the sea, bad utilization of gas, electricity, etc... Every danger will be represented by a "MONSTER" to say one or more images result of imagination that presents it graphically and efficacious manner. The first episode of the series has the title "THE DOMESTIC MONSTERS' REBELLION" and suggests at the little readers that the electrical appliances if are not used correctly can be injurious and transform themselves in "DOMESTIC MONSTERS". Target: 4-10 (and over) Lenght of episodes: 26 min Number of episodes: 13 |